Sunday, April 8, 2007

Buona Pascua!

I am bored sigh, so I am posting yet again! Lucky you!!!

Highlights from the past couple of days:
Il Signor Giuliano:
Harriet and I met a neighbor! His name is Giuliano and he is 90 years old (he made sure inform us of his age via post-it note, before revealing secondary facts like his name or why he was brandishing a whittling knife while we were attempting to enter the apartment building). Probably against our better judgement, we followed him into his secret cave-lair/whittling workshop in the lower garage area. There were chainsaws and knives everywhere, sweet! Then he showed us this little wooden model of two Mexicans having a gun-duel-showdown, exclaiming all the while "Hobby! Hobby! Hobby!" Ah. He whittles figurines. Not a serial killer. Got it. Anywho, Giuliano was a very sweet man. He gave both Harriet and I wooden models of the Ponte Vecchio, which I will probably paint and take home to pass off as a souvenier to some sap friend. HA!
I got on the wrong #6. I was on the bus in the outskirts of Florence/some other city. It was freakay. I'm alive though.
Today is Easter, dudes. We went to Il Scoppio del Carro, "the explosion of the cart," in the Piazza del Duomo. It was pretty cool, but full of tourists from EVERYWHERE. I heard some strong southern accents. Is it possible to experience reverse culture shock this early in the quarter? Yes, yes it is. We had Easter dinner tonight, and Jacopo (my host brother) entertained us with his presence for the first time. He is a funny little dude. We had some sausage and liver patte. No lamb though; Sandra thinks they are too cute to eat. Did you know they kill 600,000 lambs every Easter in Italy alone? I sure didn't. Consider yourself enlightened. In other news, I got my first, very own chocolate bunny. Yay!

The picture here is of my street, via repetti. yay!

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