Sunday, May 13, 2007

B(l)ing Trip a Roma

SO last weekend I went to Barcelona and it was a blast. However, it was far to long ago to actually remember what happened, so I will just direct you to my pictures (of which the barcelonian ones are plentiful):
That should do it.
This weekend ever'body went on over to Rome on the Bing family's buck. It was a grand old time. We got there Friday morning and spent the day touring (il Colloseo, rovine, altre robe...). It was exhausting, but impressive and breathtaking (this was my very first time in Rome and I was a little PUMPED to be there). That night, we all went to the Parco della Musica (a brand new and very cool looking theater) to see a spettacolo (show). As one of our very observant Stanfordites commented, it was more like a spettacolaccio (if you add -accio to any italian word, it makes that word bad and disgusting and generally displeasing; for instance, mollaccio=a displeasing molly. similarly, mollone means gigantic molly, and mollino means cute little molly). It was called "Io, Charles Darwin" (I, Charles Darwin). It was basically like taking the core 2A, a-side (we talked about evolution all fall quarter), except in italian and with shirtless actors reciting, while three scientists sat on the side of the stage and intermittently said intelligent things in between taking shots of gin. Seriously. Spettacolaccio indeed. Also, I wore my Steve Madden heels for the first time. Really cute, but now my feet are dead. It was a fiasco of a night, which i ended by watching Italian MTV in my plush Bing-funded hotel (note the lack of "s" between the "o" and the "t" in that word). Meanwhile, the rest of my trip got sloshed and streaked around the hotel. Go Card.
Next day was a amazing. We didn't have to meet with the rest of the group until 1pm, so a few of us went to the Spanish Steps and, more importantly, at the bottom of the steps we saw the "most lavish" McDonald's--according to Rick Steves--in Italy. Later we went to the Villa Borghese and saw the Galleria, which was super. Dopo, St. Peters. I saw the Pieta, my european history teacher (Mr. Mac!)'s favorite statue in the whole world, and for good reason. Wow is all I have to say. That evening we got a private tour of the Vatican. Holy crap. Our group of 40 were the only souls there, besides snooty curators. My favorite part--cliche i'm sure--was the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. I didn't know we were going in, but we entered this room and I got chills, probably because it was actually quite cold in there. Then I realized what it was! I wonder how often someone like Michelangelo is born. I have no words.
Most of Rome left me pretty speechless, and photo-less. I felt pretty silly trying to take pictures of all this stuff. Pictures never do these great monuments justice, and end up looking like post card pictures. I gave up eventually.
I stayed an extra night in a hostel. We saw the Trevi fountain by night. Fun. Today me and the two other jewish girls on the trip when to the Catacombs. ha. It was awesome. Now I am EXHAUSTED. So much walking! I'm waiting for my parents to contact me somehow. They have been here since Friday. My dad refuses to answer his skype phone. What the heck. Parentals, if you are reading this right now, please call me. Thanks. Bye.

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