Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ultimi Pensieri

Picture: mixed emotions about leaving Florence. Sadness, anxiety, regret, worry, and even hope. But mostly constipation. View large (click it)!
I'm packing right now. Can't you tell?
I got off the train from Venice a few hours ago, and decided to take a little walk (fare un giro, if you will?) to grab something to eat and enjoy my last night in florence forever as i know it now. i did one last pass down lover's stroll--that's what harriet and I call via del corso, because we always take it home together--to grab a final kebab for a late little dinner. Yeah, I could have gotten a real italian meal somewhere, but I decided to do weird florence tonight. I ran into some high school graduates in parco d'azeglio (please refer yourself to my first florence post for details on this wonderful park) from california. They were lost, and I was able to give them directions to their hostel, as I am practically a local at this point and they were, indeed, in my 'hood. It was bizarre; they reminded me so much of myself at that exact point in my life going on the european dream trip.
I did a little walking around, ending up (inevitably) at neri gelato. I decided to grab a strange combination that I haven't done before; like i said, i did weird florence. I got pistachio and chocolate "senza latte". I swear the pistachio was salty. Then I decided to pay my last respects to ATAF, the Florence bus system which I have recklessly abandoned since I realized the 3rd week that the 13 and the 12 are incredibly unpredictable. To pass the time, I watched the bats flap around under the bridge at my stop, ponte alle grazie. Yes, bats.
Now I'm here for my last night in Sandra's apartment. I just plugged in my US phone. Weird. I should really pack. I don't want to. Depression tends to suck out your will to do anything productive. And by depression, I mean wow, it really sucks to leave florence and return to the real world. It's hard enough saying goodbye to the city, but I really don't want to say good bye to my host mom. Man, I don't want to do anything but stare at the ceiling.
However, I did decide to try to make a list of things that I should look forward to back in the States:
1. Chinese food
2. Indian food
3. Efficiency
4. Henry and Bailey (and the rest of the Chalfins)
5. Friends
6. Cleanliness
7. English
8. Alcohol (?maybe the novelty of being 21 in the US will hit me when I get there)
When I get off the plane, I will throw a hissy fit if my dad doesn't take me to panda express/Ralph's to buy my first six pack.
PS: I apologize if these were more observations/meaningless blatherings than "final thoughts." That's all I got for now. Ciao ciao, buona sera, buona fortuna Italia.

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